Technical FAQ

OneStep is a digital care platform that allows you to monitor patient's motion from anywhere using only a smartphone.

Your organization partnered with OneStep to offer digital care and implement a Remote Therapeutic Monitoring (RTM) program.

We make this easy for you by:

  • Providing easy and automatic gait data capture for efficient RTM reimbursement
  • Generating RTM reports to submit to billing
  • Tracking clinician time spent reviewing data
  • Immediate analysis of patient mobility on a smartphone to encourage engagement and motivation

So, grab a snack and let's get started!

Write your awesome label here.
        The reason why I love RTM by using OneStep is that it just makes sense. When I'm seeing a patient for a rehabilitative plan of care, there's always that question of how they will do once I am no longer seeing them in person. OneStep provides the opportunity to take an inside look.

- Kerri Bain, Fox Clinician

OneStep Support

Reach out to for
- Urgent technical support
- OneStep platform related questions (SLC clinicians only)

Fox Support

Reach out to for For any Fox specific questions

Printable materials

As part of the onboarding process,
we have created materials to help you
communicate OneStep to your patients. 

General Tech Support FAQ

Every technical question regarding the OneStep app and online platform, answered.

Clinical Intervention Guide

A "cheat sheet" with possible clinical meanings and and suggested interventions based on gait changes.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


What to know before downloading and getting started with OneStep.

The OneStep app

Downloading, logging into and using the OneStep app.

Please note: When troubleshooting, you should FIRST ensure the app is up to date.

Location permissions & background information

Information regarding permissions for Android and iOS.