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Decoding the FY 2024 SNF Final Rule (September 2023)
Important aspects from the FY 2024 SNF Final Rule and how these changes will impact SNF leaders.... read more
Revolutionizing Rehabilitation in the Digital Era with OneStep
OneStep CCO Patrick Tarnowski joins Tim Powers, VP of Finance at Idaho Hospital Association to discuss critical health system challenges and ... read more
The Impact of Remote Therapeutic Monitoring on Older Adults
Join us as we unveil a transformative approach to elderly care, and discover the scale and depth of the OneStep and FOX partnership... read more
Mastering Fall Prevention:
Empowering Healthcare Facilities with OneStep's Innovative Solution
Learn more about the fall risk assessment technology being deployed across the US... read more
Advancing Patient Treatment: Exploring Smartphone-based Gait Analysis 
Traditionally confined to expensive clinic settings, recent technological advancements have made gait analysis accessible... read more

What our customers are saying

       Using OneStep just makes sense. When I'm seeing a patient, there's always that question of how they are doing when I’m not there.
OneStep provides an inside look at their mobility using real-world data, and I can see how they are doing with their home exercise program. OneStep helps clinicians deliver truly proactive care — before a fall or other serious issue occurs.
Will Dieter, PT, DPT, GCS, FSOAE

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