Facilitating Hybrid Care
in your Practice:
Driving Clinical & Economic Value
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Webinar Summary | Key Takeaways

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Facilitating Hybrid Care in your Practice:
Driving Clinical and Economic Value
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Meet the Experts
As OneStep’s Chief Commercial Officer, Pat is accountable for the company’s US market entry through strategic provider partnerships. His deep healthcare experience as a leader in health plans, health systems, medical devices, startups and digital care delivery support and enable OneStep’s growth and scale.
As an entrepreneur, Pat has successfully launched and scaled care delivery companies, digital solutions that focused on health and wellbeing, disease management and virtual care and worked with providers to achieve success in value-based payment models.
He received his degree in physical therapy from Boston University and his master’s in business administration from the University of St. Thomas. He has been the principal investigator in numerous clinical studies and is the Vice President of Professional Practice of the Minnesota Chapter of the American Physical Therapy Association’s and the Minnesota Cancer Alliance Steering Committee.
Anang Chokshi is a double board-certified physical therapist in sports and orthopedics by ABPTS. He is a digital healthcare expert and entrepreneur focused on supporting innovative technologies and evidence-based clinical pathways to digitally transform the healthcare industry and improve access to care while focusing on both the patient and clinical experience. He has developed, validated, and identified effective reimbursement strategies for digital rehabilitation.
He was formerly the Chief Clinical Officer of Reflexion Health (acquired by Smith & Nephew) and IncludeHealth. He is currently the founder and managing partner of Digital Healthcare Consulting, focusing on assisting digital healthcare solutions, medical devices, and healthcare service companies in the essential areas of go-to-market and reimbursement strategy, product development, and positioning for clinical approval.