Revolutionizing Rehabilitation in the Digital Era: Improving Access, Creating New Revenue Streams, and Enhancing Outcomes with OneStep

Learn how leaders are combating key health system challenges with innovative digital solutions!
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Webinar Summary | What's included? 

Identify key health system challenges

Health systems are facing unique challenges today, with a growing need to address:

  • Access to care
  • Staffing and productivity
  • Remote monitoring
  • Choosing solutions that span an entire organization

Leverage gait as a vital sign

The way patients walk tells a story about their overall health and risk status. Now with technology, providers can listen more closely — empowering them to deliver the most proactive, personalized care possible.

Implement novel, hybrid care models

Traditional care models unfortunately leave gaps in care resulting in decreased patient engagement, fragmented patient and provider communication, limited provider capacity, and missed revenue opportunities. 

Learn how to leverage technology to easily implement hybrid care models that drive clinical, operational, and economic success!
Watch now | Onestep webinar

Revolutionizing Rehabilitation in the Digital Era: Improving Access, Creating New Revenue Streams, and Enhancing Outcomes with OneStep

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Meet our Expert Speakers

Patrick Tarnowski, PT, MBA
Chief Commercial Officer
As OneStep’s Chief Commercial Officer, Pat is accountable for the company’s US market entry through strategic provider partnerships. His deep healthcare experience as a leader in health plans, health systems, medical devices, startups and digital care delivery support and enable OneStep’s growth and scale.
As an entrepreneur, Pat has successfully launched and scaled care delivery companies, digital solutions that focused on health and wellbeing, disease management and virtual care and worked with providers to achieve success in value-based payment models.
He received his degree in physical therapy from Boston University and his master’s in business administration from the University of St. Thomas. He has been the principal investigator in numerous clinical studies and is the Vice President of Professional Practice of the Minnesota Chapter of the American Physical Therapy Association’s and the Minnesota Cancer Alliance Steering Committee.

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